Copy of Cloud 9’s New Procedures to Safely Clean your Space
Cloud 9’s business model has been deemed an "essential service" during this national crisis. Our purpose is to deep clean and sanitize your space using professional-grade products by highly trained technicians. It's important to note, we can add that extra layer of protection over your health and well-being while adhering to proper social distancing protocols, outlined in more detail below.
Additionally, if you have an office or commercial space that isn’t currently occupied, now would be a great time to get the carpets, upholstery, desks and chairs professionally cleaned.
For occupied spaces, here’s what we’re doing:
To safely clean your space:
· If a home or office is occupied, Cloud 9 suggests occupant shifting to maintain safe distances. For example, our technicians will only clean in rooms where others are not present, and occupants can then shift to the cleaned rooms while our technicians finish other areas.
· All payments can be electronic without passing checks, cards or cash by hand.
· All technicians will enter homes or offices wearing gloves and with masks.
· Technicians will not carpool to maintain separation.
· Technicians will not change bed linens or do laundry.
· Cloud 9 continues its 10-year, ongoing sick policy where our technicians are not allowed to work if they are sick or exhibiting signs of illness or enter home where occupants are sick.
To clean and sanitize above and beyond our normal routine:
· Housekeeping techs are using a new all-purpose cleaner with disinfectant and total-kill bleach, where appropriate.
· Carpet and upholstery cleaning techs will use a virucide additive in our regular cleaning solution.
· Duct cleaning customers get an EPA registered biocide fog applied to every duct line.
It is our utmost priority to keep our customers and our employees safe, which is why we are taking additional steps to provide such beneficial cleaning services during such a critical time. We believe this can be done with minimal interruption to your routine.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about this. We’re all in this together!